王林青,副教授,硕士生导师。2014.06获中国科学院大学兰州化学物理研究所材料学专业博士学位。2014.07—至今,重庆理工大学理学院专任教师。在国内外重要刊物如Vacuum, Thin Solid Films, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,《摩擦学报》,《表面技术》等发表论文20余篇;授权专利3项。
u 研究领域
[1] 功能薄膜材料制备及应用
[2] 功能薄膜材料的理论模拟及设计
u 承担的主要项目
[1] 高温服役环境用多层DLC/SiC薄膜的制备及其摩擦学特性研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2019.1-2021.12,30万,主持。
[2] 多元梯度非晶碳基薄膜的设计、制备及其宽温域摩擦学行为研究,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2023.07-2026.06,10万,主持。
[3] 钛合金表面超厚类金刚石薄膜的设计、制备及其在高载下的摩擦学行为研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2016.1-2018.12,24万,第二主研。
[4] 海水环境中高熵合金涂层的磨蚀关联损伤及其强韧耐磨蚀一体化研究, 重庆市科委项目,2021.10~2024.09,10万,第一主研。
[5] 非晶碳基薄膜/石墨烯复合材料液固界面协同润滑效应及机理研究, 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(青年), 2018.10-2021.09,5万,第一主研。
u 代表性成果
[1] Linqing Wang, Li Wang, Hao Li, Wumin Cai, Junjun Wang, Microstructure, mechanical and high-temperature tribological properties of amorphous SiC films by pulsed magnetron sputtering, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 599 (2023) 121949
[2] Honglin Zhang, Junjun Wang, Weijiu Huang, Linqing Wang*, Zhibin Lu, Interface bonding and failure mechanism of Ti(001)/Si(001) and TiO2(001)/Si(001) interfaces: A first–principles study, Surfaces and Interfaces 30 (2022) 101833
[3] Qian Long, Linqing Wang*, Weijie Yu, Weijiu Huang, Li Wang, Structural and mechanical properties of amorphous Si–C-based thin films deposited by pulsed magnetron sputtering under different sputtering powers, Vacuum 191 (2021) 110319
[4] WANG Lin-qing; ZHOU Yong-tao; WANG Jun-jun; LIU Xue-qin, Effects of ratio of hydrogen flow on microstructure of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon films deposited by magnetron sputtering at 100 °C, J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 2661−2667.
[5] Lin-Qing Wang ; wei-Yan Wang; Jin-Hua Huang; Rui-Qin Tan; Wei-Jie Song; Jian-Min Chen. Growth and properties of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering with different substrate temperatures[J]. Rare Metals, 2015:1-6.
[6] Linqing Wang; Weiyan Wang; Jinhua Huang; Yuheng Zeng; Ruiqin Tan; Weijie Song; Jianmin Chen, Low temperature magnetron sputtering deposition of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon thin lms without amorphous ncubation layers on glass, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2014.3.15, 388: 86~90.
[7] Linqing Wang; Weiyan Wang; Junjun Huang; Yuheng Zeng; Ruiqin Tan; Weijie Song; Jianmin Chen, Argon ion beam assisted magnetron sputtering deposition of boron-doped a-Si:H thin lms with improved conductivity, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013.10.15, 378: 177~18.
[8] 王林青, 周永涛, 王军军. 退火处理对DLC薄膜结构及摩擦学性能的影响[J]. 表面技术, 2019(2).
[9] 王林青, 周永涛, 王军军, 王忠维, 黄伟九. TC4钛合金在模拟海水中腐蚀-磨损交互行为研究[J]. 摩擦学报, 2019 (2).
[10] Junjun Wang, Shaofu Kuang, Xu Yu, Linqing Wang, Weijiu Huang, Tribo-mechanical properties of CrNbTiMoZr high-entropy alloy film synthesized by direct current magnetron sputtering, Surface & Coatings Technology 403 (2020) 126374
[1] 王军军; 王林青; 黄伟九;马建军; 何浩然, 在钛合金表面制备减摩抗磨F-DLC薄膜的方法, 中国发明专利, 专利号: CN 106498362B (2019).
[2] 王维燕; 王林青; 黄金华; 黄俊俊; 曾俞衡; 宋伟杰; 谭瑞琴, 一种低硼掺杂下高电导率氢化非晶硅薄膜的制备方法, 中国发明专利,专利号: CN 103346069A (2016).
u 联系方式