硕 导 个 人 简 介
u 个人简介
重庆理工大学副教授,硕士生导师, 美国数学评论评论员,重庆数学会理事。
u 研究领域
u 承担的主要项目
[1] Lotka-Volterra模型和传染病动力学模型的全局稳定性和分支问题,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2015.1-2017.12,22万,主持。
[2] 种群及传染病动力学中的稳定性和分支问题与计算机辅助论证,重庆市自然科学基金项目,2014.7-2017.6,2.5万,主持。
[3] 时滞和扩散方程的稳定性和分支理论及其在生物模型中的应用,重庆市教委科技项目,2014.1-2016.7,2万,主持。
[4] 高维系统的稳定性与传染病的阈值动力学,重庆市教委科技项目,2018.10-2021.9,5万,主持。
[5] 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情传播的动力学建模与全局稳定性问题,中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助(资助编号 2020M673166)主持,8万。 2020年7月-2021年12月,
[6] 芬斯勒几何中的黎曼曲率及相关问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2014.1-2017.12,65万,参与。
[8]网络化多智能体系统的包含控制问题研究,重庆市科委项目,2016.07.01-2019.6.30, 5万,参与。
u 代表性成果
[1] GuichenLu(吕贵臣) and Z. Lu, Permanence for two species Lotka-Volterra Systems with delays., Math.Bios.Engin.,5(2008)477-484 (SCI检索) .
[2] GuichenLu(吕贵臣) and Zhenyi Lu, Poincare-Transformation and Global Stability for Lotka-Volterra Delayed Systems. Advance. in Biomath. 1(2008) 162-165. (ISTP检索)
[3] 吕贵臣、陆征一,种群动力系统的时滞影响《生物数学前沿》(第五章) 2008,科学出版社.
[4] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Xinze Lian, The Application of The Poincare
Transformation to Lotka-Volterra Difference Systems, Proceedings of the7th conference on biological dynamic system and stability of differential equation, I (2010) 199-202.(ISTP检索) .
[5] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu and Xinze Lian, Delay effect on the permanence for Lotka–Volterra cooperative systems, Nonl.Anal. RWA 11(4) 2010, 2810-2816. (SCI检索).
[6] Xinze Lian, Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Phase transitions for Bacterial colony model, ICMB2011, (2)2011, 195-200.
[7] Sumei Li, Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Yong Luo, Dynamical Transitions Governed by the Cubic Reaction-Diffusion Equation for Gene Propagation Model, ICMB2011 , (3)2011,358-363.
[8] Xinze Lian; Chengsheng Lin and Guichen Lu(吕贵臣),Spline approximate solutions of arbitrary order linear boundary value problems,3rdInternational Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Applications, ISA 2011.(EI检索)
[9] GuichenLu(吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu and Yoichi Enatsu, Permanence for Lotka-Volterra systems with multiple delays, Nonl. Anal. RWA 12(2011) 2552–2560. (SCI检索).
[10] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣) , Zhengyi Lu, Geometric approach for Global Asymptotic Stability of Three Dimensional Lotka-Volterra Systems, J.Math.Anal.Appl.,389(2012), 591–596 . (SCI检索).
[11] Xianze Lian, Guichen Lu(吕贵臣) , Pattern Formation in a Bacterial Colony Model, Abst. Appl. Ana1., 2014 (SCI检索).
[12] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Bifurcation Analysis of Gene Propagation Model Governed by Reaction-Diffusion Equations Pattern Formation in a Bacterial Colony, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and society, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 9840297. (SCI检索).
[13] Guichen Lu (吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu, Non-permanence for three-species Lotka-Volterra cooperative difference systems[J]. Advances in Difference Equations, 2017, 2017(1):152. (SCI检索).
[14] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu, Geometric approach for global asymptotic stability for three species competitive Gompertz models. Journal of Mathematical Analysis &Applications, 2017,445(1):13-22. (SCI检索).
[15]Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu. Global asymptotic stability for the SEIRS models with varying total population size[J]. Mathematical Biosciences, 2018, 296:17-25. (SCI检索).
[16] Guichen Lu(吕贵臣), Zhengyi Lu, Geometric approach to global asymptotic stability for the SEIRS models in epidemiology [J]. Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications, 2017, 36:20-43.(SCI检索).
[17] 赵亚飞, 苏强,吕贵臣. 一类SEIR流行病模型的全局稳定性分析[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2018, 32 (05):231-234.
[18] 苏强, 赵亚飞,吕贵臣. 一类 Kolmogorov 系统全局稳定性分析[J]. 生物数学学报, 2018 (2):195-203.
[19] 苏强, 赵亚飞,吕贵臣,一类具有垂直传播食饵-捕食模型的动力学行为[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2019,33 (3) :220-224.
[20] 吕贵臣, 陆征一, 高维系统稳定性的几何判据,北京: 科学出版社,2019。
[21] 赵亚飞, 苏强, 吕贵臣,一类在周期环境中具有潜伏效应的SI-SEIR禽流感模型." 生物数学学报 1, (2020):8.41-48
[22] 王文星,吕贵臣. 一类 HIV感染模型的全局稳定性分析[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学), 2020, 34(4): 262-266.
[23] 周瑶, 吕贵臣. 具有人传人的登革热传染病模型的动力学分析[J]. 重庆理工大学学报:自然科学, 2021.2: 258-267
[24] Wang Yan, Lu Guichen(吕贵臣), Du Jiang. Calibration and prediction for the inexact SIR model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(3): 2800-2818.
[25] 杨悦, 黄晓霞, 吕贵臣. 血吸虫病动力学模型的稳定性分析[J]. 理论数学, 2022, 12(12): 2254-2266.
[26] 黄晓霞, 杨悦, 吕贵臣. 具有Logistic增长的蚊群动力学模型的稳定性分析[J]. 应用数学进展, 2022, 11(12): 8908-8916.
[27] 戴乙梦, 胡绿荷, 吕贵臣. 乙肝病毒动力学模型的全局稳定性分析[J]. 应用数学进展, 2023, 12(12): 5137-5146.
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